Cassie the 5th wave what page was it on when cassie meet evan
Cassie the 5th wave what page was it on when cassie meet evan

The third wave has the Others modifying the avian flu, which infects people like Lizbeth and even Lisa. The second wave brings powerful earthquakes and devastating tsunamis to coastal cities, killing even more people. Without a fresh water supply, Cassie and Sam have to gather water from a nearby lake. Planes fall from the sky and kill countless people. The Others unleash the first wave, which is an electromagnetic pulse that wipes out all the power on Earth. The humans would come to refer to these visitors as "The Others". Soon, however, everything changed as a mysterious alien spaceships descended and remained hovering above everyone for a number of days without movement. Her best friend was Lizbeth (Gabriela Lopez) and she had a crush on football player Ben Parish (Nick Robinson). She lived with her parents Oliver (Ron Livingston) and Lisa (Maggie Siff), and her little brother Sam (Zackary Arthur) in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. Cassie was a regular 15-year-old teenager in high school girl. She sees that he was holding a crucifix, and she is horrified at what she's done.

cassie the 5th wave what page was it on when cassie meet evan cassie the 5th wave what page was it on when cassie meet evan

She orders him to show what's in his hand, but when he does, a light flashes from it and startles Cassie, prompting her to shoot the man. The man lowers his gun but Cassie won't lower hers because the man is holding something in his hand. They both have their guns aimed at each other. She comes across an empty store and takes what little supplies she can get her hands on. In the opening scene, Cassie Sullivan (Chloe Grace Moretz) is walking through the woods with a gun in her hands.

Cassie the 5th wave what page was it on when cassie meet evan