Make a new folder on your desktop for your server client files and tools. Have a properly running server client side If you follow this video from start to finish you will be able toġ. Alot of you have been having issues with setting up the new client Here is also my text document with the steps! // Welcome to the 2020 client set up guide Then you can select other language type numbers 0-17 etc. Always load korean external settings file! To change the language to russian for example please make sure you have this patch below enabled while patching! Okay so I wanted to give a few details on regarding languages other then english that are not covered within the video. Information Regarding Language Types Other Then English IN PATCH ON NEMO PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN /ITEMINFOSERVER.LUA SO KRO DOESNT OVERWRITE! JUST COPY THE INFORMATION FROM ORIGINAL V5 AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN! I WANTED TO POINT OUT CORRECT INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMINFO_V5 LUA THAT I REALIZED I MISINFORMED IN THE VIDEO WHEN EVER UPDATING RSU IT WILL OVERWRITE ORIGINAL ITEMINFOS V5 FOR ALL 2020 CLIENTS. MISINFORMATION ON VIDEO REGARDING ITEMINFO_V5.LUA GRF Editor - GRF tool to open grfs and create them (Requires rAthena Account) ROTranslation - Chris's Full RO Translation (Most Updated) NEMO RagClient - The latest supported client for 2020! NEMO - Client exe Patcher for your server (Most Updated) KRO - Full Client For Ragnarok Game Files (Akkarins File) I will also be using a text editor to type.) Includes making new folders to make a tidy work space! (Note for video I will not be redownloading files as I do not like clutter. Okay so below I've decided to skip text and shoot for a video tutorial this will eliminate more errors and create a better reference! Please do exactly as I do to eliminate error this Set up a Ragnarok 2020 Client for Renewal and Pre Renewal use! Below I will fully explain from start to finish how to On the documentation are here and there and newcomers can't figure out why they are having errors and tend to skip things here and there. I am here to finally remedy that! The guides Your new and want to jump right into the server construction but cant figure out how to properly set up a new 2020 client without errors or issues. Hello everyone Ren here, so it has come to my attention through the discord channel alot of you are having issues setting up your new clients and are having issues or